Sunday, 20 March 2016

Instagram - American Airlines Vs Porter

Instagram – The easiest place to be scanned over on the web. When you’re flipping through content on your timeline it is going to take something standing out to get you to stop double tap a like, and ever more to write a comment. Posting frequently but not too much also can prove to be a large benefit to a personal account but especially to a company. Keeping followers engaged and continuing to follow can be a very thin line. 

Porter AirlinesPorter (@porterairlines) has seemingly found a balance of frequency, quality and 50/50. Never bombarding you will deals Porter’s Instagram focuses more on the experience of Porter, where you can go, what you can see & how often you can do to. Their most successful post as of late comes from a regram from another user (@breathegrace). A simple photo of Blue Diamond Nuts, A Passport, glass of wine & glasses has garnered 236 likes for the company. Porter also description is simple and too the point “Porter Airlines We're Canada's most loved airline. Thanks for checking out our pics! Questions? Call 1-888-619-8622 Complaints? Visit”.  It says where you can get information & if you need to complain they give their direct line. 

American Airlines (@americanair) follows a similar motive as Porter, quick fast and too the point. Even their description is simple, “The Official Instagram Account of American Airline.” which includes a link to a contest. Similar to Porter their most successful post comes from regram of another users photo. The reason both of these photos have become the most successful is the fact they’re natural. They weren’t staged by the company, users sent the photos in and were featured by the company. On Instagram forced photos and content tend to fall flat while natural photos rise to the top of the likes.


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