Monday, 21 March 2016

Air Canada vs. WestJet on YouTube

Air Canada YouTube
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YouTube is a video platform in which users can share video content to the world for free. This site can be seen as a great tool for a company to gain further awareness of their brand and to share their advertising online.

Air Canada has 198 videos and 8,000 subscribers. They haven’t posted a video in about a month to their YouTube Channel though. They did however post roughly 15 videos on February 1st all about different travel stories and musicians. 

Air Canada’s YouTube content is usually advertisements, interviewing celebrities, and stories about traveling. In the description of the video the content that is included is usually; a brief description about the video and the person featured in the video, call to action to subscribe to their channel, all their other social media account links, and a link to their website. 

Their most successful video out of their last 10 posts is titled “ Connecting Musicians: Brian Mallory James and Todd Cope| Une rencontre de musiciens. It got 1,155 views, 3 likes and no comments. This video was successful because it received twice as many views than their other posts regarding other musicians. It probably got more views due to the musicians that they actually featured in that particular video.
WestJet Youtube
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WestJet’s YouTube Channel has 292 videos and 56,000 subscribers. They are known worldwide for their heartwarming advertisements around Christmas time. People always look forward to seeing what advertisements they will post next. They last posted a video onto YouTube a week ago in honour of their birthday. The type of videos that they usually post onto their channel include; various advertisements, heartstring tugging stories, videos showcasing beautiful vacation spots, their viral Christmas and April fools videos and more! In the description of their videos they usually a small description of the video, call to action to subscribe to their channel, links to their other social media accounts, and a link to their website.

Out of their 10 most recent videos that they have posted to YouTube, the most popular video is titled “Impact of a Wish | WestJet and Make a Wish”. This 5 minute video is about children who got diagnosed with various illnesses and had their wishes granted and how it helped them emotionally and socially. This video was so successful because it tugged on your heartstrings and is quite emotional. 

YouTube is a great platform for companies to post video content that can get messages across to their consumers. Air Canada and WestJet both use YouTube to their own advantage.

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