Thursday, 3 March 2016

Delta’ Social Media Study Strategy

Delta is one of the world’s largest airlines globally. Their airlines helping over 160 million travelers each year; for them to get to their chosen destinations.

With having such a big airline, they have many social media outlets to let their costumers in the loop with Delta flights and deals. Some of Delta’s Social Media outlets that they use are:
·      - Facebook
·      - Twitter
·      - Instagram
·      - Personal Blog
·      - Mobile Apps
·      - Youtube
·      - Pinterest
·      - LinkedIn
·      - And more!

With having all of these social media accounts that account owner has to be up to date with these sites to use them to its full advantage. Delta’s Facebook page has 1,550,898 likes on their page. They have their page info updated and a large variety of pictures and videos on their account. They post more than once per week. Different weeks can change on how many they post depending if there is a special event or deals.  On February 28th, 2016, Delta posted 4 times on their Facebook due to a safety video performance showing the safety history with traveling with Delta. On their Facebook posts, Delta manages to respond to their users, making sure that they know they are noticed and taken care of.

Another social media account that we will be analyzing for Delta is their Twitter. Delta’s twitter has 1.1 million followers, 1,367 photos, and 11.9K tweets. Delta’s twitter is also very updated just like their Facebook page. Delta posts many tweets daily. Some days are posted more frequently than others.  They tweet about upcoming events and deals. Delta tweets to their users about weather conditions that could affect their flight statuses. They also have tweets of recommendations of places to travel too. With trying to attract new followers and keep current followers they also post funny related tweets and videos about their airlines. Delta is very consistent with posting new tweets and replying to their followers.

YouTube is another social media site that Delta uses. Delta’s YouTube account has 48,927 subscribers, and 28,208,563 views on their videos. They joined May 11, 2006. They post at least 2 videos per week or more. Their videos show advertisements about their airlines and also videos about travelers that have flew with Delta airlines. YouTube is very popular for costumers when looking for making a purchase and looking for reviews.

Last social media account that we will be analyzing is Delta’s Instagram. They have 248K followers and 529 posts on their Instagram account. They have similar pictures from their other social media accounts like Twitter and Facebook. But, their Instagram has more advertisements pictures on their account. On some of their captions under their pictures have facts about their airlines. They have a variety of different pictures advertising the food they serve, places they travel too, and adds sponsoring other events that Delta gets involved in for example the Grammy’s. They have a hash tag that travelers can share their pictures using #Delta. Delta uses Instagram to engage and generate interest to their costumers and travelers.

In conclusion, Delta’s has a large amount of social media accounts. They post on each of their accounts very frequently. They have similar post of each account, which is an advantage so that all users on each social media account is aware of the information. With all their social media accounts, it proves that they have a strong social media presents, which is a great company advantage.

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