Monday, 28 March 2016

Porter And Their Fan Pages

Airlines and Fan Pages don’t necessarily go hand in hand, but they can at times be useful for consumers to share their experiences and gripes. Porter has verified accounts all across the social media board. With the fact Porter is still a relatively small company so it should be no surprise there aren’t a large amount of fan pages.

On facebook, there is a Porter Airlines page that is a Personal Page where you request them as a friend. Once you are friends with them there are a plethora of people expressing their opinions on the page.

Porter has no “fan pages” on twitter, however they do have a large amount of people tweeting about them both positively and negatively. Twitter is a great way for people to share their experience with the company and to possibly be recognized. Below is an example of two positive & negative tweets.

Last but not least Instagram, again following the trend there aren’t many fan pages. Most of the pages with Porter Airlines in the title appear just to be people who have the Instagram handle & use a version of Porter’s logo & branding.

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