America is
the land of the Free and home of the brave. American Airlines allows the
residents of the great nation of the U.S.A. to be free and brave by exploring countries
every day. But on top of the amazing service they offer their customers through
the sky, does their Social Media propel them to new heights or ground them on
the runway? Read on to find out!
They have
run a lot of social media platforms including; Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat,
Twitter & YouTube. But for comparisons sake we are looking at the big four
Where to begin, American Airlines certainly engages and encourages their
followers daily. Posting content ranging from the Chicago Skyline featuring one of their planes, to exotic kayaking through a cave they don't limit themselves to boring mundane photos. Garnering on average 4.5k likes per photo posted and an very
large 308.1k followers American Airlines certainly takes off on in the right direction on Instagram.
Facebook: Package ideas, new travel kits, videos & live TV on flights are the newest Posts from American Airlines. They encourage you to try out new things by showcasing all the new and improved services for you to travel across the globe! American Airlines also has a staggering 1.99million followers on Facebook, which is up there with some top Celebrities!
Twitter: 1.2 Million Active Followers, Following 74.2 Thousand Different Accounts. American Airlines shows all the other airlines how it's done. Frequently engaging with their followers, recommending they Direct Message them to help solve problems and complaints. While also retweeting and using their hashtag #AAadvantage.
Last but not least YouTube. Quiet frequently forgotten by companies as a whole not just Airlines, YouTube is a free advertising method by posting videos. American Airlines posts roughly once per month or 12 videos a year which is respectable given the time and effort it can take to make a video. They post all types of videos from collaborations with Back To The Future, Interviews with Pilots to showcasing their new cabins.
All said and done, American Airlines Social Media Strategy is flying at max altitude while it's competition is still requesting permission to take off. Capitalizing on new trends and encouraging engagement the American Airlines Social Media Team deserve a raise!
Great content :)