Wednesday, 13 April 2016

Ground Control To Major Tom, The Assignment Is Done.

As our Digital Marketing 1 course draws to an end, so does our analysis of Airline's Digital Marketing strategies. We wanted to thank everyone who have been reading our blog posts, as well as liking and following our social media accounts. This assignment helped open our eyes to the importance of SEO and Digital Marketing as a whole. We learnt so much about Airlines, Blogger,  Hootsuite and Social Media Marketing.

To end everything off we created a final video to showcase our statistics and analytics and what we learned throughout the course of this assignment. I hope you enjoyed the journey as much as we did. 

From your favourite Flight Attendants,

Brooke, Dawn, Vanessa & Mike

Tuesday, 5 April 2016

New Porter Marketing Plan - Porter Airlines

With the recent uproar of the Pearson to Union LRT costing over 25 dollars, my marketing plan is to poke fun at that with suggesting the new tunnel is free for users and puts you directly downtown, instead of a 20 minute additional commute to downtown after your flight. The audience is anyone who normally would take the LRT from Pearson to Union. With intention to gain shares on Facebook and Retweets on Twitter. The reason for this post is to encourage & educate people to fly into Billy Bishop Airport with Porter instead of Pearson International. Launching immediately while the thought of the LRT still in commuters minds. Below is a mock up of the proposed plan.

Monday, 4 April 2016

British Airways Original Content

Bae, not just a cute nickname but also a way for you, British Airway flyers, to get free flights! British Airlines Explores is all about encouraging BA flyers to share their experiences, gather informative travel information, destination ideas and win a flight! By tagging @British_Airways on Instagram, Twitter or Facebook and using the hashtag #BAEgetaways (British Airways Explores) followers can share their photos on places they’ve been or what to go. Every month we will chose the best photo, the poster will then get a ticket of their choice to anywhere BA flies. This campaign is targeted to any of BA followers on Instagram. However to claim the price the individual must be 18 years or older. This contest will be promoted on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook. Individuals can post as many photos as they like! By creating a hashtag and opening the contest to a variety of social media outlets this will open windows for conversation and engagement not just consumers to BA and BA to consumers but also for other consumers to view one another’s posts. Who need a #BAEgetaways?